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contoh kalimat in the presence of

"in the presence of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
    Kau sudah menyiapkankan segalanya
  • We are in the presence of the rare female monster.
    Kita kedatangan monster wanita yang langka.
  • The wedding was celebrated in the presence of six thousand guests.
    Pernikahan mereka dihadiri 600 tamu.
  • I don't like to say in the presence of ladies.
    Saya tidak ingin mengatakan di hadapan wanita.
  • You're in the presence of the marsh warden himself.
    Anda sdh berhadapan dgn sipir rawa.
  • Then the forger was in the presence of the original.
    Berarti pemalsunya hadir saat lukisan aslinya diasuransikan.
  • Oh, am I in the presence of a gentleman?
    Oh, aku akan memberikan hadiah untukmu?
  • We are in the presence of royalty, Irina.
    Kita sedang berhadapan dengan keluarga kerajaan, Irina.
  • That self-determination cannot prevail in the presence of fate
    Bahwa pertahanan diri tak bisa mengungguli kehadiran takdir.
  • Whenever It's In the presence of such a combination
    Saat ini berada dalam kombinasi tersebut
  • I had a vision. I was in the presence of something.
    Aku bersama sesosok mahluk.
  • In the presence of the gods, and in their honor,
    Disaksikan para Dewa dan dengan kehormatan mereka
  • We speak in the presence of the Drowned God.
    Kita bicara di hadapan Drowned God.
  • You will be in the presence of something greater.
    Kau akan jadi saksi sesuatu yang luar biasa.
  • You are in the presence of the Lord now.
    Anda berada di hadapan Tuhan sekarang.
  • This process must be done in the presence of oxygen.
    Proses ini harus dilakukan dengan keberadaan oksigen.
  • We're in the presence of a historic assembly.
    Kami berada di hadapan majelis bersejarah.
  • ..in the presence of the whole world today!
    ,..,..di hadapan seluruh dunia sekarang !
  • What ecstasy to stand in the presence of the Almighty!
    Sungguh menggembirakan untuk berdiri di hadapan Yang Mahakuasa
  • So... you were there in the presence of a doctor?
    Jadi... Anda di sana di hadapan seorang dokter?
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